
“Mincing no words, Audioengine’s Brady Bargenquast declared, “Bluetooth usually sounds like cat shit. Therefore, when we designed our wireless B1 Premium Bluetooth music receiver ($189), which just started shipping last week, we did four things to ensure good sound quality and satisfactory listening:

1. We’re using the aptX codec, which is 16-bit.
2. On the receiver side, we upsample everything to 24/96 and lower the noise floor using the same AKM4396 DAC chip as in our D1 and D3.
3. Our receiver has an extended range, which projects at least 100 feet and covers 1–3 rooms.
4. The B1 is easy to pair with and set up.”

What can I say? It sounded like all the other Audioengine products I’ve heard: not only amazingly good for the price, but just plain amazingly good, period.” —— stereophile.com
